Champion of Public Education
The Champion of Public Education award is presented to state lawmakers in recognition of their outstanding support of traditional public schools during a two-year legislative session.
Support for traditional public schools is measured in the following ways:
- The legislator’s voting record
- The bills introduced by the legislator
- The legislator’s attendance at and involvement with their local public schools
- The legislator’s willingness to work with PSBA
The information below reflects the legislator’s role when they recieved the Champion of Public Education award and does not reflect any changes to their position following their acceptance of the award.
Senator Judy Schwank
2022 award recipient

Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr.
2022 award recipient

Senator Michele Brooks
2022 award recipient

Representative Rosemary Brown
2022 award recipient

Representative Jason Ortitay
2022 award recipient

Representative Joe Ciresi
2022 award recipient